تغيير المد,
ركوب الأمواج,
الغوص في البحر المثالي

لن يكون نجاح جمعية “البحر المثالي” ممكنا بدون الدعم والتعاون الثابت من شركائنا الكرام. معا ، نحن متحدون في تفانينا في خلق محرك اقتصادي دائري يغذي حياة الصيادين وصيادي القوارب مع حماية مستقبل شرق البحر الأبيض المتوسط.

Reef Check

is a non-profit organization leading citizen scientists* to promote stewardship of sustainable reef communities worldwide. Train and organize teams of local volunteer citizen scientist divers ,promote public education about reefs and the ocean ,develop a team of ocean ambassadors with the skills and knowledge to make a tangible and meaningful difference for marine conservation in their local communities .

Humpback Highrises

The largest marine mammal monitoring program dedicated to the protection and research of marine mammals. Our mission is to ensure present and future generations of the community have access to enjoy, appreciate and care for whales and dolphins through research, rescue and education.

The University of Queensland

One of Australia's most globally connected universities. We identify international partnerships, programs and projects that align with our strategic visionWe collaborate globally with researchers, industry, communities, and alumni to create a cleaner, healthier and happier future.

Coral Sea Foundation

The Coral sea Foundations mission is to raise awareness of the
ecological and social value of the reefs of the Coral Sea, Melanesia
and the Great Barrier Reef, and to be proactive in their sustainable
management. The Coral Sea Foundation develops pragmatic reef
monitoring solutions and works with First Nations custodians to
develop marine reserves that enhance fisheries and
protect biodiversity.


OzFish is Australia’s only fishing conservation charity – dedicated to empowering and supporting recreational anglers and their communities to take control of the health of their rivers, lakes and estuaries. OzFish has delivered dozens of impactful habitat restoration projects which benefit fish.